Forums / Roleplaying / The Clash

The Clash
22:59:08 Nov 20th 08 - Mr. Delran:

After ruling the world for thousands of years, The Khorelians retreated to their home island. Now each Island is split between rival factions fighting among themselves. On the Island of Nefaria, the inhabitants rallied to the call of three men: Lord Alexander Andorius, Khan Shanzar Kergh and Chieftain Rolf Hallog. They formed the three states that carries their names: The Andorian Empire, The Khergit Khanate and the Halloga Tribal Federation.
The countries were always in a state of war among themselves and even after their founders died, the rivalry continued.
Ten years after the deaths of their original founders, none has been able to take their places as Emperor, High Khan and Warchief.

Khergit Khanate
Halloga Tribal Federation
Andorian Empire

-fields mostly cavalry
-no access to heavy cavalry
-best horse archers
-poor infantry
-mostly herdsmen and nomads
-army composed mainly of light cavalry (lancers and archers)
-income/gathering penalty (-1)
-food gathering bonus (+5)
-fastest cavalry
-most troops can use 2-3 weapons
-cheap units

-no cavalry
-fields the best infantry
-strong heavy infantry
-can easily defeat a straight cavalry charge
-iron + stone gathering bonus (+1)

-strong all round
-weak early forces
-strong heavy cavalry
-medium infantry
-gold income bonus (+2)
-buildings cost 10% less
-expensive soldiers

Factions troops and costs

 - archer 10 / 30 gold
 - spearman 15 / 40 gold
 - footman - / 50 gold
 - scout 40 gold
 - lancer 100 / 150 gold
 - mounted archer 90 / 140 gold

2. Hallogai:
Light Infantry:
 - footman - / 50 gold
 - spearman 30 / 60 gold
 - bowman and crossbowman 20 / 45 gold
Medium Infantry:
- axeman - / 80 gold
- pikeman - / 90 gold
- archer and maksman 40 / 70 gold
Heavy Infantry
- huskarl - / 100 gold
- sergeant - / 120 gold
- veteran archer and sharpshooter - / 90 gold

Light Infantry:
- footman - / 50 gold
- spearman 35 / 50 gold
- bowman and crossbowman 25 / 50 gold
Medium Infantry:
 - veteran footman - / 70 gold
 - pikeman - / 95 gold
 - archer and marksman 50 / 75 gold
Heavy Infantry:
 - imperial guard - / 110 gold
 - imperial halebardier - / 125 gold
 - imperial archer and sharpshooter - / 100
Light Cavalry:
 - scout 45 gold
 - light lancer 65 / 95 gold
 - horse archer 60 / 90 gold
Medium Cavalry:
 - knight - / 170 gold
 - lancer 110 / 160 gold
 - mounted archer 100 / 150 gold
Heavy Cavalry:
 - imperial knight - / 200 gold
 - imperial lancer - / 220 gold
 - imperial cavalry archer - / 210 gold

Each unit takes one month to train (24 real hours). You can order as much troops as you afford and they will be trained in 24 hours.
There are two prices for units because you can train them with two types of weapons wood and iron. First price for wood, second for iron. If you have trained a unit to use wood weapons, you cannot upgrade it to iron weapons.
Also, I have posted two types of ranged units to let you choose which type do you prefer. each has weak point and strong one:
- first type of unit uses mainly bow which are fast to reload, but aren't quite accurate
- second type uses crossbows, slow to reload but have a high accuracy.

To prevent any quick power rising, for the first week players are restricted to use only wood, second week they can mine for stone, and from the third week onward iron.

Also, to train cavalry, you will need the stable, which is a stone and wood building.

Building types, costs and requirements:
1. Wood:
-lodge - 50 wood, houses 10 people (20 builders)
-farm - 100 wood (20 builders)
-workshop - 150 wood, makes wood weapons and shields, as well as leather armor (30 builders)
-barracks - 200 wood, can be garrisoned with 40 soldiers, requires workshop (50 builders)
-wood fort - 500 wood, houses 100 soldiers and servants, plus 50 horses, requires barracks (100 builders)
-wood wall - 1000 wood (80 builders)
-woodcutter lodge - 400 wood (30 builders)

2. Stone
- house - 200 wood + 50 stone, houses 50 people (40 builders)
- stone barracks - 50 wood + 200 stone, requires barracks, can be garrisoned with up to 100 soldiers (upgrade to barracks, 100 builders)
-stable - 200 wood + 150 stone, trains 50 horses per month, requires stone barracks and farm, training of each horse requires 10 food (100 builders)
-stone mine - 400 wood (50 builders)
-iron mine - 400 wood + 300 stone (100 builders)
-weapon smith - 500 wood + 400 stone, requires iron mine (200 builders)
-stone wall - 5000 stone (100 builders)
-academy - 700 stone, required for training heavy units, Khergits do not need it, requires weapon smith (150 builders)
-fortress - 1500 wood + 3000 stone, houses unlimited numbers of soldiers, servants and horses, requires academy (upgrade to wooden fort, 500 builders)

The only buildings that can be built multiple times are lodges and houses.
Servants are not peasants, but personnel need to maintain the buildings.
Each building requires 30 peasants to function properly, except forts and fortresses.
Farms and mines can hold an unlimited number of workers.
Each building takes one month to be completed (24 hours).
You can order multiple building to be constructed if you have the man power and resources and they will be constructed at the same time.

Resource gathering, taxation, items and population:
- gold: each peasant gives you 3 gold as tax, andorians receive +1(4) and khergits loses 1(2) per peasant, each worker in gold mines gives you +5 gold (bonuses and penalties applies here to)
- wood: each peasant sent to gather wood will give you +5 wood, each peasant sent to the woodcutter lodge will gather +10 wood
- food: each person eats 1 food, horses 5 food; each peasant sent to gather food (fishing, hunting, foraging) will give you 10 food (khergits receive 15), each peasant sent to the farm gathers 20 food (khergits receive 25)
- stone: each peasant sent to the mine gives you 5 stone (hallogai receive 6)
- iron: each peasant in iron mines gathers 2 iron (hallogai receive 3)
- each wood or iron weapon, shield, armor, requires 5 of the resource (a bow will cost 5 wood, a sword will cost 5 iron)
- upkeep: each soldier requires 1 gold per 24 real hours

Siege weapons:
- ram - 400 wood (10 builders)
-catapult - 600 wood, uses stone from your stockpile (20 builders)

Each siege weapon requires one day to build.

Game play:
Post your name and faction, then wait for my signal to start.
Each real time day is a moth in-game. You will receive your resources every real day.
Multiple players can select the same faction. Also, you will need to select a leader of your faction.
For battles you post your movements and then wait for a reply from the other player. Secret plans are to be sent to me via pm for validation or else will be ignored.
Remember: This is a team based game. So if we can gather more than six people, this would be great.
If you find something worth introducing in the game pm me and I will make a decision.
No godmoding!

23:02:37 Nov 20th 08 - Mr. Delran:

(It seems that I cannot post the map, who can here is the link

23:23:59 Nov 20th 08 - Mr. Killer:

The specified image does not exist :S
Anyway, if you want to copy from photobucket, you should be able to copy the picture itself towards the URL.

Anyway, I'll join if you'll allow me. Khergits. Do I have to post a description/history/etc. ?

23:30:45 Nov 20th 08 - Mr. Delran:

No, just name and faction.

Everyone starts with 200 peasants, their tools, tents for the peasants, one horse (yours), one steel sword, one crossbow/bow (at your choice), steel lance, steel shield and steel armor.

23:37:05 Nov 20th 08 - Mr. Delran:

This is a direct link to the map, I hope.

12:02:14 Nov 21st 08 - Mr. Delran:

Ok. This is the map. A soon as you sign up I will give you a starting point.

23:01:06 Nov 21st 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

There are a tad too many options. This isn't Crosshairs or Prominence. Tune it down a little, will you?

23:40:16 Nov 21st 08 - Mr. Delran:

What do you suggest?

11:33:16 Nov 22nd 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

Reduced options. Simple as that.

15:23:55 Nov 22nd 08 - Mr. Delran:

I do not know what to reduce. I made it to be played like this. If you have any ideas post them.

15:33:23 Nov 22nd 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

reduce the number of units or something. look at empires, it only has one troop type!

07:08:59 Nov 23rd 08 - Mr. Delran:

Alright! This is how is going to be with troops

You train soldiers at the barracks. It costs 100 gold per soldier, and you equip him with weapons and horses (if you have any). Maintenance cost for each soldier will be 10 gold +1 food per day.

17:52:44 Nov 24th 08 - Mr. Delran:


After ruling the world for thousands of years, The Khorelians retreated to their home island. Now each Island is split between rival factions fighting among themselves. On the Island of Nefaria, the inhabitants rallied to the call of three men: Lord Alexander Andorius, Khan Shanzar Kergh and Chieftain Rolf Hallog. They formed the three states that carries their names: The Andorian Empire, The Khergit Khanate and the Halloga Tribal Federation.
The countries were always in a state of war among themselves and even after their founders died, the rivalry continued.
Ten years after the deaths of their original founders, none has been able to take their places as Emperor, High Khan and Warchief.

Khergit Khanate
Halloga Tribal Federation
Andorian Empire

-income/gold mining penalty (-1)
-food gathering bonus (+5)
-troops can use 2-3 weapons
-cheap upkeep for units

-no cavalry
-can easily defeat a straight cavalry charge
-iron + stone gathering bonus (+1)

-gold income bonus (+2)
-cheap training cost for soldiers
-expensive upkeep

Factions troops costs

1.Khergits: train cost 100 gold, upkeep 8 gold  + 1 food per real day
2.Hallogai: train cost 100 gold, upkeep 10 gold + 1 food per real day
3.Andorians: train cost 80 gold, upkeep 15 gold + 5 food per real day

Each unit takes one month to train (24 real hours). You can order as much troops as you afford and they will be trained in 24 hours.
Each wood weapon requires 5 wood, each leather armor requires 1 leather, and wood shields requires 5 wood.
Each iron weapon, armor and shield requires 5 iron, total 15 iron.

Leather can be obtained from the farm. You gain 1 leather per real day for each 10 peasants working at the farm.  

To prevent any quick power rising, for the first week players are restricted to use only wood, second week they can mine for stone, and from the third week onward iron.

Also, to train cavalry, you will need the stable, which is a stone and wood building.

Building types, costs and requirements:
1. Wood:
-lodge - 50 wood, houses 10 people (20 builders)
-farm - 100 wood (20 builders)
-market - 200 wood (50 builders0)
-workshop - 150 wood, makes wood weapons and shields, as well as leather armor (30 builders)
-barracks - 200 wood, can be garrisoned with 40 soldiers, requires workshop (50 builders)
-wood fort - 500 wood, houses 100 soldiers and servants, plus 50 horses, requires barracks (100 builders)
-wood wall - 1000 wood (80 builders)
-woodcutter lodge - 400 wood (30 builders)

2. Stone
- house - 200 wood + 50 stone, houses 50 people (40 builders)
- stone barracks - 50 wood + 200 stone, requires barracks, can be garrisoned with up to 100 soldiers (upgrade to barracks, 100 builders)
-stable - 200 wood + 150 stone, trains 50 horses per month, requires stone barracks and farm, training of each horse requires 10 food (100 builders)
-stone mine - 400 wood (50 builders)
-iron mine - 400 wood + 300 stone (100 builders)
-weapon smith - 500 wood + 400 stone, requires iron mine (200 builders)
-stone wall - 5000 stone (100 builders)
-academy - 700 stone, required for training heavy units, requires weapon smith (150 builders)
-fortress - 1500 wood + 3000 stone, houses unlimited numbers of soldiers, servants and horses, requires academy (upgrade to wooden fort, 500 builders)

The only buildings that can be built multiple times are lodges and houses.
Servants are not peasants, but personnel need to maintain the buildings.
Each building requires 30 peasants to function properly, except forts and fortresses.
Farms and mines can hold an unlimited number of workers.
Each building takes one month to be completed (24 hours).
You can order multiple building to be constructed if you have the man power and resources and they will be constructed at the same time.

Resource gathering, taxation, items and population:
- gold: each peasant gives you 3 gold as tax, andorians receive +1(4) and khergits loses 1(2) per peasant, each worker in gold mines gives you +5 gold (bonuses and penalties applies here to)
- wood: each peasant sent to gather wood will give you +5 wood, each peasant sent to the woodcutter lodge will gather +10 wood
- food: each person eats 1 food, horses 5 food; each peasant sent to gather food (fishing, hunting, foraging) will give you 10 food (khergits receive 15), each peasant sent to the farm gathers 20 food (khergits receive 25)
- stone: each peasant sent to the mine gives you 5 stone (hallogai receive 6)
- iron: each peasant in iron mines gathers 2 iron (hallogai receive 3)
- each wood or iron weapon, shield, armor, requires 5 of the resource (a bow will cost 5 wood, a sword will cost 5 iron)
- upkeep: each soldier requires 1 gold per 24 real hours

Siege weapons:
- ram - 400 wood (10 builders)
- catapult - 600 wood, uses stone from your stockpile (20 builders)

Each siege weapon requires one day to build.

Trade: you need a market
- between players at the trade rate established by trading partners
- between players and NPC at a rate of 1:5, you gain 1 resource for each 5 you give.

Game play:
Post your name and faction, then wait for my signal to start.
Each real time day is a moth in-game. You will receive your resources every real day.
Multiple players can select the same faction. Also, you will need to select a leader of your faction.
For battles you post your movements and then wait for a reply from the other player. Secret plans are to be sent to me via pm for validation or else will be ignored.
Remember: This is a team based game. So if we can gather more than six people, this would be great.
If you find something worth introducing in the game pm me and I will make a decision.
No godmoding!

16:22:45 Nov 25th 08 - Mr. Delran:

[Come on people! No sign-ups? Only Killer is interested in this type of game? In a way is just like prominence. OK, maybe a little harder.....]

16:33:47 Nov 25th 08 - Mr. Tyrgalon:

looks fun but I donīt have time for it...

00:30:59 Nov 26th 08 - Mr. Delran:

It only requires a post per day

01:18:43 Nov 26th 08 - Lord Cedric Deallus:

[[I did Prominence once...but could not do it again]] ><

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